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EB6: Landscape

    Development proposals should maintain and where appropriate enhance positive elements of the landscape character of East Boldon, as defined in the East Boldon Design Code, South Tyneside Landscape Character Study or other relevant documents.

    When determining planning applications, consideration will be given to how relevant development proposals:
    a. Preserves, enhances and positively contributes to the character of the landscape of  East Boldon;
    b. Has been informed by the context of the site and its surrounding landscape in terms of: height; scale; massing; orientation; and position;
    c. Seeks to conserve important local landscape features such as mature hedgerows and boundaries. Mature and established trees should be protected and incorporated into the development wherever possible;
    d. Sits comfortably within the landscape, by taking account of the topography and natural features of the development site;
    e. Creates new landscape features, including trees, hedgerows, shrubs and water features; and
    f. Includes tree lined verges along new roads, where appropriate and safe.

    The South Tyneside Landscape Character Study (2012) provides a detailed review of the landscape within South Tyneside. Three character areas extend across the plan area: The Boldons; Boldon Downhill; and Boldon Flats and Whitburn Moor. A number of important landscape characteristics are highlighted, including the historic core of East Boldon and its landscape setting. Key sensitivities include: the historic core of East Boldon, which is described as providing a sense of place; open farmland is identified as a key features of the landscape; need for restoration and reinstatement of hedges; and the importance of maintaining open aspects. The adopted development plan includes the allocation of an area of high landscape value and area of landscape significance south of the village from Hylton Lane to Sunderland Road. The Area of High Landscape Value and Area of High Landscape Significance is shown on Map 7 ‘Existing Environmental Assets’ at Annex 3 of the Plan. South Tyneside Council is undertaking a review of the Area as part of the preparation of the emerging Local Plan

    Landscaping traditions are often fundamental to the character of an area, especially boundary treatments. Tree planting within the neighbourhood plan area over many years has provided mature areas of greening within the heart of the village. Mature hedgerows are a feature of field boundaries at the edge of the village. Existing grass verges together with hedges and shrubs provide habitat for wildlife and help soften car parking and mitigate the effects of traffic. Grass verges with tree planting are attractive features in many parts of the village and provide an effective means of establishing green links between otherwise separate areas of landscape.

    Informed by the design objectives identified in section 5, which are amplified in the East Boldon Design Code and the South Tyneside Landscape Character Study, policy EB6 seeks to ensure that new development will maintain and where appropriate enhance important elements of the landscape of the plan area. The approach will support the delivery of plan objective 3.