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Natural Environment


EB7: Biodiversity

    Development should protect and enhance biodiversity. Where practicable, proposals should demonstrate how measurable net gains will be achieved. Where development would result in the loss or significant harm to biodiversity, applicants will be required to demonstrate that the adverse impacts will be adequately mitigated, or as a last resort compensated for.

    Any future housing developments should have regard to Interim Supplementary Planning Document 23: Mitigation for European Sites or any successor document. All financial contributions required in accordance with this policy will be secured by way of a planning obligation under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or any subsequent amending legislation.

    To protect water dependent protected and priority species, developments on or near watercourses, drains, ponds or wetlands need to appropriately consider these species. Opportunities should be taken to conserve and enhance the habitat for water dependent protected and priority species and to create and restore important habitats.

    Where appropriate, development schemes should embed proposals which look to enhance existing natural features within the site and increase biodiversity, such as maximising the potential for gardens in new residential development to contribute to biodiversity by providing a habitat for wildlife.

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    EB6: Landscape

      Development proposals should maintain and where appropriate enhance positive elements of the landscape character of East Boldon, as defined in the East Boldon Design Code, South Tyneside Landscape Character Study or other relevant documents.

      When determining planning applications, consideration will be given to how relevant development proposals:
      a. Preserves, enhances and positively contributes to the character of the landscape of  East Boldon;
      b. Has been informed by the context of the site and its surrounding landscape in terms of: height; scale; massing; orientation; and position;
      c. Seeks to conserve important local landscape features such as mature hedgerows and boundaries. Mature and established trees should be protected and incorporated into the development wherever possible;
      d. Sits comfortably within the landscape, by taking account of the topography and natural features of the development site;
      e. Creates new landscape features, including trees, hedgerows, shrubs and water features; and
      f. Includes tree lined verges along new roads, where appropriate and safe.

      Read More »EB6: Landscape

      EB5: Green and blue infrastructure

        New development should seek to protect and where practical, improve and extend the green and blue infrastructure network, as defined on the policies map. Where appropriate, in determining planning applications, consideration will be given to how development proposals:
        a. Protect and enhance green and blue infrastructure assets;
        b. Provide high quality links between existing assets and/or provide additional uses for multi functionality where appropriate;
        c. Secure improved access to green infrastructure;
        d. Create a sense of place by protecting and/or fully integrating high quality, green infrastructure into the proposed development to reflect the character of the neighbourhood plan area;
        e. Integrate green and blue infrastructure with sustainable drainage systems and the management of flood risk; and
        f. Address the management and maintenance of new and existing green and blue infrastructure throughout and beyond the plan period through the use of appropriate planning conditions or planning obligations
        g. Naturalising watercourse channels;
        h. Improving the biodiversity and ecological connectivity of watercourses;
        i. Safeguarding and enlarging river or stream buffers with appropriate habitat;
        j. Controlling and mitigating potential pollutants likely to arise from the development,as appropriate;
        k. Ensuring that all drainage of new development is connected correctly and within the capacity of existing water and sewerage systems, ensuring early engagement with Northumbrian Water;
        l. Seeking opportunities to incorporate creation of wetland habitat in designs;
        m. Ensuring that development does not fragment the wildlife corridor associated with the stream or pond; and
        n. Preventing introduction of non-native species via construction or other works and managing present invasive non-native species where practical.

        Read More »EB5: Green and blue infrastructure