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EB8: Employment

    Development proposals that support the creation or protection of jobs and the sustainable development and economic growth of the neighbourhood plan area will be supported where it:
    a. Can be achieved without significant impact on the built and natural environment, highway safety and residential amenity;
    b. Is an appropriate scale and the use does not conflict with that of neighbouring occupiers;
    c. Provides opportunities to be accessed by sustainable transport, where appropriate; and
    d. Includes appropriate levels of car and cycle parking.

    Where the above criteria can be met, particular support will be given to:
    e. Small-scale windfall employment development proposals adjacent to existing employment development, provided that they are not allocated for other uses; and
    f. Business proposals seeking to occupy small sites or buildings within residential or other built-up areas, provided that they are not allocated for other uses or are otherwise protected.

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    EB9: Homeworking

      Where planning permission is required development proposals that support homeworking, such as the creation of workspace for home-run businesses will be supported where it can be achieved without significant impact on the built and natural environment and residential amenity.

      Should the proposal include the creation of workspace for a home-run business and require the conversion of part of a dwelling, its outbuildings, or the development of new buildings within its curtilage, this development must be of an appropriate design and scale, reflecting the surrounding residential environment and does not compromise residential amenity.

      Proposals for the development of new ‘live-work’ units will be supported. Proposals affecting the Green Belt will only be supported where they satisfy the exceptions set out in the NPPF subject to highways, access, design and amenity considerations

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      Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate

      EB10: Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate

        Development proposals which allow the continued use of the Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate, as defined on the policies map and Map 2 of Annex 3 the Plan, for employment uses, including ancillary uses, will be supported subject to highways, access, design and amenity considerations.

        Proposals for the redevelopment of the site for a wider mix of uses, including housing, must be informed by a comprehensive masterplan to be prepared in consultation with the East Boldon Neighbourhood Forum, the local community and other key stakeholders. The applicant must also demonstrate that there is no need or demand for the existing employment related uses. Evidence should include details of the comprehensive marketing exercise undertaken.

        As a minimum the masterplan must include details of:
        a. The phasing of the proposed development;
        b. The proposed mix of development, illustrating how this will not undermine the viability and operation of existing businesses on the site;
        c. How the housing mix will contribute to delivering local housing needs as demonstrated in an up to date Housing Needs Assessment;
        d. The provision of adequate vehicle and cycle parking provision taking account of the guidance set out in the Annex to the East Boldon Design Code;
        e. Highways access to the site and the impact of the proposals on the highway network;
        f. Pedestrian linkages through the site, including how opportunities for sustainable travel will be embedded within the development;
        g. How the development accords with the East Boldon Design Code;
        h. A landscape framework for the site, addressing matters such as green infrastructure, open spaces and relationship with the Green Belt beyond the site;
        i. How flooding and drainage considerations have informed the overall site design, particularly as areas of the site lie within flood zone 2 and 3;
        j. Opportunities to enhance biodiversity;
        k. Land contamination and remediation; and
        l. Any mitigation measures required as a result of the development

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        EB11: Local retail centres

          Development within the local retail centres of Front Street, Station Terrace/ Langholm Road and St Bede’s, as defined on the policies map and Map 2 of Annex 3 to the Plan, will be supported where it strengthens the vitality and viability of the area. Applicants will be required to demonstrate that the development would:
          a. Not have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity, an assessment of this will include matters such as opening hours, noise, odours and the management of waste;
          b. Have appropriate access and car parking provision;
          c. Not have a detrimental impact on the appearance and the environment of the local centre; and
          d. Retain historic shopfronts. Proposals to replace or install new shopfronts should reflect the architectural style, scale, proportions, materials and colour of both the host building and surrounding area

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