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Draft Consultation Home Page Oct- 8Dec2020

East Boldon Neighbourhood Forum

We Need Your Views!

Our draft Neighbourhood Plan has now been published and we need your views. This is YOUR Plan. Once you have read the summary (or Plan) PLEASE complete the RESPONSE FORM, it only takes a few minutes to fill it in and ‘send’.


The East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan has many benefits it has been developed to:

  • protect the village from uncontrolled, large scale, poorly placed development;
  • ensure development is sympathetic & improves the village;
  • ensure new homes reflect needs of residents;
  • minimise the loss of greenfield sites & Green Belt;
  • facilitate local businesses, sport and leisure facilities;
  • maintain transport links; improve access to walking and cycling routes; 
  • support the delivery of the council’s Climate Change Strategy;
  • protect our diverse, unique natural environment vital to East Boldon;
  • access community infrastructure levy funding identify, through community actions, projects to improve East Boldon’s facilities, services & local environment, including those beyond the scope of the policies;
  • ensure adoption of up to date parking standards to address current problems & new development

Sections and content of the Neighbourhood Plan

1. Introduction –  explains the background to neighbourhood planning and processes to be followed. It makes clear how the East Boldon community has engaged in the development of the plan so far, how the community can make its views known (via email, letter or response form), what  the next steps and current timetable are.  

2. The Key issues for the East Boldon Neighbourhood Plan – provides information about East Boldon and how it has expanded over the years, ending with the list of key issues, identified by the community as being of importance to the village, now and in the future. Views expressed in consultation show that people want to retain the nature, character and distinctiveness of their village by protecting and enhancing their greatest assets in both the natural and built environments. ‘The village is a great place to live. Don’t spoil it’.

3. Vision and Objectives –  outlines the vision (which is to protect and enhance the special nature of the village); explains how the 8 objectives (Sustainable Development; Built & historic environment; Natural environment; Local economy; Housing; Community wellbeing; Flooding & sustainable drainage; Transport & movement) relate to the issues identified through early community and stakeholder engagement; includes a table that illustrates which planning policies will deliver the relevant objectives.

The objectives define East Boldon’s achievable targets and drive the policies and actions detailed in the rest of the document.

4-10. Objectives & Planning Policies  – each section focusses on one of the 8 objectives listed above and: provides a statement about what that objective seeks to achieve;  explains the specific concerns and issues; identifies the associated policies and how they seek to address the objectives; provides links/cross references to public documents, East Boldon Forum’s detailed surveys or background papers.   

Annex 1. Community actions – areas that grew out of community concerns but cannot be addressed through the planning process, they can however be delivered alongside other local organisations. The 11 actions include improving community safety and accessibility, improving access to public transport, enhancing the village environment and parking improvements.

Annex 2. Design codes created to ensure that new development meets high standards and responds to the character of the local area.

For more details on the Forum please see the About Us or Forum Facts pages.

If you wish to contact us for any reason please leave your details on the Contact Us page.

Forum Officers

All members of the Forum are volunteers from the local community, the current elected Officials are:

Kirstin RichardsonChair
Roy WilburnVice Chair
Dave HutchinsonSecretary
Grahame TobinTreasurer

Photographs courtesy of Phil Payne